GIBCA 2021

Artist: Annika Lundgren
Title: Untitled (What Is This, If Not Love?)
duration: 3:56 min
production year: 2021
The piece Untitled (What Is This, If Not Love?) addresses the relationship between the emotional and the political as well as the characteristics of the political engagement as a generator of purpose and meaning. A further aspect which is considered is the element of violence in the political manifestation and how this can –or cannot– be justified in the name of conviction.
Göteborgs Konstskola började under förra biennalen att bjuda in konstnärer som har ett förflutet på Göteborgs Konstskola alt. Hovedskous målarskola. 2019 gästades skolans Galleri Fönstret av Maria Lindberg, i år är det Annika Lundgren som visar sitt videoverk Untitled (What Is This, If Not Love?) Invigning fredag 3 sept. kl.13.00.