

The truth the alternative facts the post truth the convenient truth the truthiest truth of truthiness.
Don’t fear Rome the truth lies coiled in Naples. Slippery, individual and bendable it slithers across the piazza. But as a distant rumble a new fragrance is approaching bringing with it happy tidings.. for now it’s time to blow the big horns in celebration of this humongous occasion for the human race: the birth of an Absolute Truth! After this nothing will ever be the same again!
The harsh reality has entered the chat and this game changer will forever change the game. It will undoubtedly be a hard pill to swallow but do rest ashore that in the in this new reality truth is not up for debate.


Johan Zetterquist visar sitt verk PROPOSAL FOR A MONUMENT No 55: Monument Celebrating the Birth of an Absolute Truth i Galleri Fönstret under perioden 15 sept – 15 okt.